Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's up doc?

So, what's new with me?... Nothing! The only thing that keeps my life unpredictible is the fact that I don't have a regular weekly schedule. I have to resort to going out on week nights because I work most weekends and don't have the energy to go out afterwards.

I've recently co-founded a new book club. We meet once a month and read one book a month. The one hosting the next meeting gets to choose her book of interest and no one gets to argue, everyone has to make the attempt to read it. So far, we've only had four meetings and read three books: Pope Joan, Lolita, and currently You Belong To Me by Mary Higgins Clark. Personally, I'm not a fan of blockbuster novels, but after starting this one, I can understand why they're so popular. They are pretty thick, very easy to read, and fairly interesting. It makes you feel like you're really reading a peice of classic literature. I have a terrible habit of buying books and not finishing them or even starting them. I figure, one of these days, I'm going to be so bored with absolutely nothing to do that I'll whip one of these suckers out and zoom right through it. However, this would prove to be impossible, as I am not a fast reader at all.

My trip to SF is coming up soon! YAY! The last time I went was last August and I saw a ton of handsome European men swarming all over the place! I hope to return to this same experience. :-) I must sound like I am so desparately searching for a man. It's not so much desparately searching as it is drooling over. I love me some eye candy!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back in action.

I keep telling myself to write in here more, but I never make the time. So, the last entry was in November... what has happened to me since November? Nothing exciting happened until March. That was definitely a busy month. I turned 23, I went to Paris and I moved to uptown Dallas all in March.

Turning 23 wasn't as bad as I expected it to be. It's a bit of an odd age, really. I feel like for most people, being 23 makes you too young to be extremely successful and too old to be irresponsibly fun. It's a transition year.

Paris was nothing other than perfect. I went with an old college roommate for 5 days and I loved every second of it... the Louvre, the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysee, the Arc du Triumph, Chateau de Versaille, Marie Antoinette's garden, the ratatouille crepe I had in Versaille, our hotel in the Latin Quarter, the delicious little restaurants we went to for dinner, learning to use the metro system, going to church at the Notre Dame, and especially shopping in Le Marais! The entire experience was extremely expensive, but well worth every penny! Judy found us a great deal on our hotel in a great location. We stayed on St. Michel, a five to ten minute walk to Notre Dame, to great restaurants, to the night life, to the subway entrance, and of course, starbucks was readily available. Surprisingly, it was the cheapest cafe in our area! Others charged about 6-8 euros for a cup of coffee, but starbucks was only 4 euros. And they still had almond syrup! Starbucks discontinued almond syrup in the states, so I was excited to see that I could still get an almond latte in Paris. The food was delicious. My dinner got progressively more and more delicious every night as we tried different places around our neighborhood. Paris was definitely a place I could visit again, and maybe even live there!

My apartment is great and my roommate is really awesome. I live in a two story townhome with two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms, tucked away behind bushes and trees. Its really a quaint little complex with only 8 units. I'm within walking distance to great bars and restaurants, in a safe neighborhood. There aren't many clothing boutiques in my area, which is probably a good thing. I've been spending enough as it is.

I really shouldn't have anything to complain about at this point. This is what I wanted, afterall, but I still feel like something is amiss.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My newly claimed trademark.

Since my freshman year in college, my friends have brought to my attention something that wasn't even apparent to myself--my affinity towards scarves. I don't know what it is about them, but I love to wear scarves. Perhaps it is the easy subtle way they add interest to a wardrobe, or it may be some deeper explanation of my subconscious--who knows?? It's also a part of why I love winter time so much. I love the cold weather because cold weather allows for cold weather clothing, and cold weather clothing include SCARVES! I also love coats, boots, and hats, but scarves are much more affordable and hats are harder to find. In my book, scarves can do no wrong. I wear scarves about 2/3 of the year--from when the first cold front comes in October until the very last cool breeze blows away in April. My favorite place to find a great scarf is Urban Outfitters. They have great scarves for under $30! Btw, Urban also has some pretty cute affordable boots too!

Holiday season is in our midst.

Christmas carols always put me in a cheery mood and 103.7 KLUV has decided to start playing them early this year! If I'm not mistaken, don't they usually start playing them on Thanksgiving so not to rob Thanksgiving of its own celebratory joy? It is probably just a way of boosting their ratings earlier in the holiday season. Although I can appreciate the many remakes of the classic Christmas carols, I am really looking for someone to write a brand spankin' new Christmas song that can arouse the same kind of cheer as the classics do. I know its easier said than done, but seriously... out of all of those artists out there in the world, is there no one that can write a great Christmas carol?? If you know of any, please let me know.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Addicted to prime time online.

ABC prime time television has got to be the best station out there right now. I am hooked on all of their shows! Pushing Daisies is the newest one. It's delightfully refreshing, romantic, and funny. Grey's Anatomy is still one of my favorites for drama. Ugly Betty is still funny and clever. OH! And Big Shots is really good too! It stars Michael Vartan, so you know it can't go wrong. I spent four hours catching up on all of these shows last night on ABC.com.