Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What's up doc?

So, what's new with me?... Nothing! The only thing that keeps my life unpredictible is the fact that I don't have a regular weekly schedule. I have to resort to going out on week nights because I work most weekends and don't have the energy to go out afterwards.

I've recently co-founded a new book club. We meet once a month and read one book a month. The one hosting the next meeting gets to choose her book of interest and no one gets to argue, everyone has to make the attempt to read it. So far, we've only had four meetings and read three books: Pope Joan, Lolita, and currently You Belong To Me by Mary Higgins Clark. Personally, I'm not a fan of blockbuster novels, but after starting this one, I can understand why they're so popular. They are pretty thick, very easy to read, and fairly interesting. It makes you feel like you're really reading a peice of classic literature. I have a terrible habit of buying books and not finishing them or even starting them. I figure, one of these days, I'm going to be so bored with absolutely nothing to do that I'll whip one of these suckers out and zoom right through it. However, this would prove to be impossible, as I am not a fast reader at all.

My trip to SF is coming up soon! YAY! The last time I went was last August and I saw a ton of handsome European men swarming all over the place! I hope to return to this same experience. :-) I must sound like I am so desparately searching for a man. It's not so much desparately searching as it is drooling over. I love me some eye candy!